How to respond to a police inivitation in Nigeria

How to Respond to a Police Invitation in Nigeria

How to Respond to a Police Invitation in Nigeria

Getting a police invitation in Nigeria can be a stressful experience. Knowing how to respond appropriately can make a significant difference, Whether for a routine inquiry or a more serious matter. When you get invited by the police you don’t need to fret. This guide will help you understand what steps to take when you receive a police invitation and how to protect your rights throughout the process.

What is a police invitation?

A police invitation is a formal request issued by the police asking an individual to visit the police station or another designated location for questioning or to provide information related to an investigation. It is not the same as an arrest warrant or a summons, but rather a method used by law enforcement to gather information or clarify matters in an ongoing investigation.

Compared to an arrest warrant, a police invitation typically means that the individual is not under immediate legal compulsion to attend, although it is highly recommended that an individual comply to avoid further legal complications.

A police invitation in Nigeria can be delivered in various ways including – in person, via a formal letter, or through a phone call.

Can you decline a police invitation in Nigeria?

It is advisable that you honor a police invite. The Police have the authority to invite anyone suspected of committing offenses as a part of their investigative process to ascertain whether a criminal offense has occurred. Section 4 of the Nigerian Police Force (Establishment) Act 2020

While a police invitation may not carry the immediate weight of a court summons or warrant, ignoring it can lead to further legal actions, such as the issuance of formal summons or an arrest warrant.

Step-by-Step Guide to responding to a police Invitation in Nigeria

1. Stay calm and assess the situation – The first thing to do when you receive a police invitation is to stay calm. Panicking will cloud your judgment and make the situation worse. Take a moment to assess why you might have been invited. It could be related to a minor issue or a more serious matter. Understanding the context will help you prepare better.

2. Verify the legitimacy of the invitation – It’s crucial to verify that the invitation is legitimate. Contact the police station mentioned in the invitation to confirm that it is genuine. There have been cases of fraudulent invitations used for scams or intimidation, so it is important to perform this step as it is vital.

3. Consult with a lawyer – Seek legal advice as soon as possible. A lawyer will guide how to handle the situation and what to expect. If you don’t have a lawyer, look for a reputable one who has experience with police matters. Legal representation is your right, and it ensures that your interests are protected. aptResponse provides you access to NBA-verified lawyers in minutes

4. Gather relevant documents – Prepare any documents that might be relevant to the matter. This includes things like your identification, the police invitation, and any paperwork related to the issue at hand. Having all necessary documents organized will help facilitate the process.

5. Inform family or friends – Let someone close to you know about the police invitation to ensure your safety. Provide them with details such as the police station’s address, who specifically you will be speaking with if possible and the time of your appointment. This is a safety measure to ensure that someone is aware of your whereabouts.

Read Also: Online Legal App in Nigeria for fast help

6. Attend the invitation promptly – Make sure to attend the police invitation at the specified time. Being punctual shows that you are cooperative and responsible. Dress appropriately and maintain a respectful demeanor during your visit. First impressions can influence how you are treated.

7. Know your rights – Familiarize yourself with your rights under Nigerian law. You have the right to remain silent and the right to legal representation. Knowing your rights can help you navigate the situation more confidently.

8. Cooperate but do not self-incriminate – While it’s important to cooperate with the police, be cautious about the information you provide. Avoid making statements that could be self-incriminating. Always consult with your lawyer before answering questions, especially if they pertain to the matter being investigated.

What to do during and after honoring a police invitation in Nigeria?

During the Visit – During the police visit, remain calm and composed. Answer questions truthfully but concisely. If you are unsure about anything, request to speak with your lawyer, you can do this easily with aptResponse. Your lawyer can help guide the conversation and ensure that your rights are not violated.

After the Visit Once the visit is over, follow any advice given by your lawyer. Document everything that happened during the visit, including any statements made by the police and your responses. This documentation can be crucial if there are any future legal proceedings.


Responding to a police invitation in Nigeria requires careful preparation and a clear understanding of your rights. Remember, legal representation is your right, and it can provide invaluable support during such times. Get access to NBA-verified lawyers in Nigeria on the aptResponse app – download it on  Android and IOS

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