How to resolve tenancy disputes in Nigeria

How to Resolve Tenancy Dispute Issues in Nigeria

How to resolve tenancy dispute issues in Nigeria

Tenancy disputes are common in Nigeria, and resolving these issues efficiently is crucial for maintaining good landlord-tenant relationships and ensuring legal compliance. Whether you’re a landlord dealing with problematic tenants or a tenant facing unfair treatment, understanding the steps to resolve tenancy disputes can help you navigate these challenges effectively.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to resolve tenancy dispute issues in Nigeria.

1. Understand Your Rights and Responsibilities

Both landlords and tenants have specific rights and responsibilities under Nigerian law. Understanding these can prevent many disputes and provide a solid foundation for resolving issues when they arise.

For Tenants:

  • Right to a Habitable Living Environment: Tenants are entitled to live in a safe and habitable space.
  • Right to Privacy: Landlords must respect tenants’ privacy and provide notice before entering the property.
  • Right to Fair Treatment: Tenants should not be subjected to unfair practices or discrimination.

For Landlords:

  • Right to Timely Rent Payments: Landlords have the right to receive rent payments on time as agreed in the tenancy agreement.
  • Right to Property Maintenance: Tenants must maintain the property and report any damages or necessary repairs.
  • Right to Evict: Under certain conditions, landlords can evict tenants who breach the terms of the tenancy agreement.

2. Review the Tenancy Agreement This Helps When Tenancy Dispute Issues Arise

The tenancy agreement is the legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement. It is crucial to review this document thoroughly as it will usually contain provisions related to dispute resolution.

  • Terms of Payment: Look for clauses that specify rent payment schedules and penalties for late payments.
  • Maintenance Responsibilities: Understand the obligations of both parties concerning property maintenance and repairs.
  • Dispute Resolution: Check for any clauses that outline how disputes should be resolved, such as through mediation or arbitration.

3. Communicate Effectively

Open and effective communication is key to resolving tenancy disputes issues. Both parties should attempt to resolve the issue amicably through discussion.

  • Document Issues: Tenants should document any issues they experience, such as maintenance problems or disturbances, and communicate these to the landlord promptly.
  • Negotiate Solutions: Landlords and tenants should meet to discuss the dispute and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution. This can often resolve the issue without further escalation.

4. Seek Mediation

If direct communication does not resolve the tenancy dispute issues in Nigeria, mediation can be a useful next step. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps both sides reach a fair agreement.

5. Engage Legal Assistance

If mediation fails, it may be necessary to seek legal assistance. A lawyer specializing in tenancy law can provide guidance and represent your interests.

  • Legal Advice: A lawyer can advise you on your rights, the strength of your case, and the best course of action.
  • Formal Notices: If necessary, a lawyer can help draft and serve formal notices, such as eviction notices or demands for rent arrears.

6. Utilize the Rent Tribunal

Nigeria has Rent Tribunals in various states designed to handle tenancy disputes. These tribunals provide a legal forum for resolving disputes related to rent, eviction, and other tenancy issues.

  • Filing a Case: Either party can file a case with the Rent Tribunal. Ensure you have all relevant documentation and evidence to support your case.
  • Tribunal Proceedings: The tribunal will hear both sides and make a binding decision based on the evidence presented.

7. Court Action

As a last resort, unresolved disputes can be taken to court. This should be considered only after all other avenues have been exhausted due to the time and expense involved.

  • Small Claims Court: For minor disputes, the Small Claims Court is a quicker and less costly option.
  • Higher Courts: More complex or high-value disputes may need to be resolved in higher courts, which will require legal representation and more formal proceedings.


Resolving tenancy disputes in Nigeria requires a clear understanding of legal rights and responsibilities, effective communication, and a willingness to negotiate. When informal resolution methods fail, mediation, legal assistance, and Rent Tribunals offer structured avenues for dispute resolution. By following these steps, landlords and tenants can address their issues fairly and efficiently, maintaining positive rental relationships and ensuring compliance with Nigerian tenancy laws. You can get lawyer to help you out with your tenancy issues on the aptResponse app on IOS and Android

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